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Отзывы наших выпускников

  • Alejandra Victoria Yacovenco Farias (Uruguay)
    Manager, Vicosta (Logistics company)
    Applying to Ural Federal University I was looking not only for the opportunity to study but also for opportunities to implement the acquired knowledge in real business. I got a chance to work for a local company and gained new experience of working with Russians. They are hard workers!
  • Tavernier Morales Mara Patricia (Mexico)
    I was happy to have the opportunity to study in Ural Federal University. During the time I spent in Yekaterinburg, I gained not only the top-quality knowledge but also impressions of living in Russia, of acquiring new friends from all over the world. That was the wonderful experience to me to meet new people not only from Russia, but also from Europe, America, and Asia. I miss Yekaterinburg!
  • Tran Bao Ngoc (Vietnam)
    Family Business owner
    I was engaged in our family business and sometimes I felt I need both better knowledge and better understanding of communications with our Russian partners to develop my entrepreneurial skills. After the graduation I can clearly state that I reached both of my goals! Working together with my Russian groupmates, having access to professors to ask them all questions to better understand courses they taught to us was the total delight for me!
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