Chemistry and Physics of New Functional Materials

Our traditions

The chemical faculty is strong in its traditions. Many generations of graduates remember the traditional celebrations of Chemist's Day, dedication of freshmen, newspapers and much more.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the Faculty of Chemistry has held an annual student scientific conference “Problems of theoretical and Experimental Chemistry,” which currently has the status of a Russian youth scientific conference with international participation. A collection of abstracts is published based on the results of the conference.

Since 1983, students have had the opportunity to take part in a field Winter school in solid State chemistry during the winter holidays. Lectures by leading experts in the field of chemistry and solid state physics are interspersed with an extensive cultural and sports program. Among the traditional events of the school: KVN between students and teachers, musical evenings and games, fun starts, discos.

Celebrations of the anniversary dates of the faculty's formation have become regular, during which exhibitions, intellectual competitions, sports competitions, and of course grandiose concerts are held.

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