Hydrotechnical construction, hydraulics and engineering hydrology

Program description:

Area of studies:
Branch of science:
Технические науки
Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Degree awarded:
Doctoral degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
About admission this year, see here
Programs Open for Enrollment

The program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of hydraulics, hydrology and hydraulic engineering. The scientific activity of postgraduate students is aimed at preparing a dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences and consists in conducting theoretical and experimental research, preparing publications, participating in scientific conferences, schools and seminars. During the period of mastering the program, postgraduate students study disciplines aimed at preparing and passing candidate exams: a foreign language, the history and philosophy of science, a special discipline, as well as optional disciplines – methods for calculating river flow; mathematical modeling, methods of numerical and experimental studies of structures of buildings and structures.

Entry requirements

Program highlights

Research topics are focused on

Research is carried out by methods of numerical and physical modeling of the hydrodynamics of open channels and flow parts of hydraulic machines and is aimed at improving the energy efficiency of hydraulic machines, objects and systems; methods of mathematical statistics, expeditionary and geoinformation and are aimed at improving the accuracy of accounting for natural runoff in natural channels and the accuracy of calculating the main hydrological characteristics.

Career opportunities


Employment as a professor or researcher in public and private universities and research institutes.


Employment as a survey engineer for hydrometeorological surveys in design and research institutes, as a specialist in water resources in the state institutions and institutes, as a researcher on hydrology in research institutes, as an expert in public and private institutions of expertise.


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