Engineering technology

Program description:

Area of studies:
Design and Technological Support of Machine Building
Branch of science:
Engineering, Technology and Engineering Sciences
Institute of New Materials and Technologies
Degree awarded:
Master's degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
About admission this year, see here
Programs Open for Enrollment

The main professional educational program "15.04.05 / 33.03-engineering Technology" is aimed at training process engineers in mechanical processing and mechanical Assembly production in mechanical engineering, who are able to organize effective activities in the structural divisions of these enterprises, corresponding to the seventh qualification level.

When developing the educational program, the modern needs of machine-building enterprises and the requirements of professional standards in the field of design and technological support for machine-building industries are taken into account as much as possible.

The program focuses students on deep knowledge of the subject area in the context of modern trends in machine-building production, on the development of new and modernization of existing equipment, the introduction of advanced technological solutions, changing the culture of production, following the main directions of innovative development of the machine-building industry.

A special feature of the program is its practical orientation in the development process. The realized trend in increasing the volume of production practices contributes to the process of purposeful mastering of the necessary level of the required qualification. This allows you to consistently include future graduates in the real production process without additional retraining, as well as comprehensively develop creative potential in the field of research and experimental activities to improve equipment and technologies.

Focusing on active learning methods and including interdisciplinary projects in the program ensures that students , along with their professional competencies, develop team work skills and the necessary leadership qualities. Obtained professional knowledge in the context of the competence approach in the organization of production and technological entrepreneurship allow graduates to work in the field of small business and self-organize innovative production of new marketable products.

After completing the master's degree program, graduates will be able to carry out professional activities at enterprises and organizations of the machine-building complex (workshops and departments of main and auxiliary productions, divisions of the chief technologist's Department, technological departments and services of mechanical Assembly shops, etc.), in academic and departmental research and design organizations.

During the design of the educational program and the subsequent implementation of the training process, advanced trends in the training of modern personnel in the field of engineering and technology, domestic experience and Urfu's own educational resources are used.

Система Orphus