Public Administration

The Best Alumni of the Educational Program

The top-rated students overall for the academic year are added each year to the list of top-rated graduates since its founding in 2016. The selection of top-rated graduates is carried out in accordance with the regulations for awarding the title of «Top-Rated Graduates of UrFU.»

Graduates of 2022

  1. Гавва Дана Сергеевна
  2. Муртазина Анастасия Владиславовна

Graduates of 2018

  1. Антонова Юлия Витальевна
  2. Герасимова Анастасия Павловна
  3. Коптяева Анна Сергеевна
  4. Мустафаев Мовсар Эльханович
  5. Солдатова Александра Владимировна
Система Orphus