Environmental Monitoring

Program description:

Area of studies:
Ecology and Environmental Engineering
Branch of science:
Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Degree awarded:
Master's degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
Full-time: 2 years

The program is designed to prepare masters in the direction of 05.04.06 Ecology and natural resource management. In accordance with the obtained qualification, the master will be able to carry out professional activities in design, survey, research, production, marketing, consulting, economic, legal, training, expert departments, bureaus, centers, companies, institutes in the field of ecology and nature management and education organizations of different level.

A master who has completed training in the field of "Ecology and natural resource management" can solve the following professional tasks in the field of research: determining the problems, aims and methods of scientific research, obtaining new information based on observations, experiments, scientific analysis of empirical data, reviewing scientific papers, making analytical reviews of accumulated information in world science and industrial activities, summarizing the results obtained in the context of previously accumulated knowledge in science, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations based on representative and original research results, conducting comprehensive studies of industry, regional, national and global environmental problems, developing recommendations for their resolving, assessing the state, sustainability and forecast of natural complexes, assessing the health of the population and the main demographic trends of the region based on available statistical reporting data. In design and production activities: to design typical environmental measures, assess the impact of planned structures or other forms of economic activity on the environment, perform environmental monitoring, analyze specific and general problems of using natural conditions and resources, identify and diagnose problems of environment protection, develop practical recommendations for the preservation of the natural environment, and manage production waste. In control and expert and organizational and managerial activities: prepare and conduct environmental expertise of various types of project tasks, develop practical recommendations for the preservation of the natural environment, perform control and audit activities, environmental audit, manage the activities of the department, sector, working group, and draw up final documents based on the results of production or scientific tasks. In teaching activities in educational organizations: conduct educational and methodological work on planning environmental education and education for sustainable development, and consult teachers on the content of environmental education.

The relevance of the master's degree in Ecology and natural resourse management is determined by the state of environmental resources, the requirements of environmental programs, and development trends taking place in modern natural management. Specialists of a new generation are needed who are able to solve non-standard and innovative problems in the context of globalization of environmental problems and the widespread anthropogenic pressure increase. The program is aimed at fundamental training in the field of environmental monitoring and provides training of professional skills for research, design and production, control, expert and educational activities. Special courses and workshops provide knowledge and skills for observing the effects of pollution on the structure and functioning of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and gain skills in working with living systems at the level of populations and communities. The qualifications acquired in the framework of the program will allow future specialists to work effectively with a wide range of natural objects - plants, animals, water, air and soil.

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